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The Basque Country and Basque culture need cultural infrastructures of their own, among them a solid commercial structure.
The products released by publishers need to get into bookshops and distribution is essential to this.
The first bookshop opened in 1976 and from then on there was clearly a need for a distribution service that prioritised publications in Basque. This was when the distribution company Zabaltzen was set up.
Its initial aim was to distribute Basque books and music, not only to the group's bookshops but also to other bookshops.
This ensured the presence of Basque language and culture at any establishment selling books.
Today, elkar Banaketa offers its services in the Basque Country and throughout Spain, focusing on books, music, educational toys and stationery. It uses two structures to do this: elkar Banaketa in the Basque Country and ACL elsewhere.
Link for professionals:
If you work with books, music, stationery or educational toys and you would like more information, contact us at:
- E-mail: eskaerak@elkar.eus
- Telefonoa: (+34) 943 310 301